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Everything You Need To Know To Start Programming 64-Bit Windows Systems

| Thursday, March 24, 2011
One of the pleasures of working on the bleeding edge of Windows® is poking around in a new technology to see how it works. I don't really feel comfortable with an operating system until I have a little under-the-hood knowledge. So when the 64-bit editions of Windows XP and Windows Server™ 2003 appeared on the scene, I was all over them.
The nice thing about Win64 and the x64 CPU architecture is that they're different enough from their predecessors to be interesting, while not requiring a huge learning curve. While we developers would like to think that moving to x64 is just a recompile away, the reality is that we'll still spend far too much time in the debugger. A good working knowledge of the OS and CPU is invaluable.
In this article I'll boil down my experiences with Win64 and the x64 architecture to the essentials that a hotshot Win32® programmer needs for the move to x64. I'll assume that you know basic Win32 concepts, basic x86 concepts, and why your code should run on Win64. This frees me to focus on the good stuff. Think of this overview as a look at just the important differences relative to your knowledge of Win32 and the x86 architecture.
One nice thing about x64 systems is that you can use either Win32 or Win64 on the same machine without serious performance losses, unlike Itanium-based systems. And despite a few obscure differences between the Intel and AMD x64 implementations, the same x64-compatible build of Windows should run on either. You don't need one version of Windows for AMD x64 systems and another for Intel x64 systems.
I've divided the discussion into three broad areas: OS implementation details, just enough x64 CPU architecture to get by, and developing for x64 with Visual C++®.

The x64 Operating System
In any overview of the Windows architecture, I like to start with memory and the address space. Although a 64-bit processor could theoretically address 16 exabytes of memory (2^64), Win64 currently supports 16 terabytes, which is represented by 44 bits. Why can't you just load a machine up with 16 exabytes to use all 64 bits? There are a number of reasons.
For starters, current x64 CPUs typically only allow 40 bits (1 terabyte) of physical memory to be accessed. The architecture (but no current hardware) can extend this to up to 52 bits (4 petabytes) Even if that restriction was removed, the size of the page tables to map that much memory would be enormous.
Just as in Win32, the addressable range is divided into user and kernel mode areas. Each process gets its own unique 8TB at the bottom end, while kernel mode code lives in the upper 8 terabytes and is shared by all processes. The different versions of 64-bit Windows have different physical memory limits as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

Read more: MSDN Magazine

Posted via email from Jasper-net