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VistaDB CLR Procs and Functions Introduction

| Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Intro to CLR Stored Procedures and CLR Functions

CLR Stored Procedures and Functions are a relatively new way to build extensions for your database. Traditionally stored procedure logic has been written in SQL, but SQL Server 2005 introduced the ability to use CLR code for procedures. Microsoft sometimes calls this SQL CLR as the technology used to load CLR assemblies into SQL Server. Prior to SQL CLR, you could only extend SQL Server using C++ DLLs that were difficult to build and maintain.

We implemented SQL CLR assemblies very early in the VistaDB 3 development cycle to allow users to extend their databases using the same language they wrote their application (C# or VB.NET). During the upgrade to VistaDB 4, we had identified a number of small changes we wanted to make to CLR Procs to make them more compatible with SQL Server, and to make it possible to build an assembly that would work with both VistaDB and SQL Server with only a recompile (no major code changes). We have achieved that goal in VistaDB 4 through the addition of a new namespace: VistaDB.Compatibility.SqlServer.

High Level Overview


Read more: Codeproject

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