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Securing your SSH Server

| Tuesday, February 15, 2011
One of the most common questions that I see in my favorite IRC channel is: "How can I secure sshd on my server?" There's no single right answer, but most systems administrators combine multiple techniques to provide as much security as possible with the least inconvenience to the end user.

Here are my favorite techniques listed from most effective to least effective:

SSH key pairs

By disabling password-based authentication and requiring ssh key pairs, you reduce the chances of compromise via a brute force attack. This can also help you protect against weak account passwords since a valid private key is required to gain access to the server. However, a weak account password is still a big problem if you allow your users to use sudo.

If you're new to using ssh keys, there are many great guides that can walk you through the process.


Limiting the source IP addresses that can access your server on port 22 is simple and effective. However, if you travel on vacation often or your home IP address changes frequently, this may not be a convenient way to limit access. Acquiring a server with trusted access through your firewall would make this method easier to use, but you'd need to consider the security of that server as well.

The iptables rules would look something like this:

iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 22 -s
iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 22 -s
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP -p tcp --dport 22

Use a Non-Standard Port

I'm not a big fan of security through obscurity and it doesn't work well for ssh. If someone is simply scanning a subnet to find ssh daemons, you might not be seen the first time. However, if someone is targeting you specifically, changing the ssh port doesn't help at all. They'll find your ssh banner quickly and begin their attack.

If you prefer this method, simply adjust the Port configuration parameter in your sshd_config file.

Limit Users and Groups

Read more: Codeproject

Posted via email from Jasper-net