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PyCharm is My New Python IDE

| Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Friends, family, and maybe regular readers know that I’m more likely to publicly

Regular readers know that I’ve used a large number of IDEs over the past several years. They also know that I have, in every single case, returned to Vim, and I’ve spent a lot of time and effort making Vim be a more productive tool for me.

No more. I’m using PyCharm. It’s my primary code editor.

I’ve been using it since the very early EAP releases — maybe the first EAP release. I have rarely been disappointed, and when I was, it was fixed fairly rapidly. Here’s a quick overview of the good and bad.

Vim Keybindings!

I’ve been using Vi and Vim for an extremely long time. Long enough that whenever I’m editing text, I instinctively execute Vi keystrokes to navigate. Apparently my brain just works that way and isn’t going to stop. When I use other editors, and talk to users of other editors, one of the first things that comes up is how to do things efficiently by exploiting the keyboard shortcuts provided by the editor, so why reinvent the wheel? Why make me learn yet another collection of key strokes to get things done?

Sure, Vi keybindings are a pretty much completely arbitrary set of shortcuts, but so are whatever shortcuts anyone else is going to come up with. I’m glad that PyCharm decided to let the Vi-using community easily embrace its IDE.

And, by the way, PyCharm has by far the best and most complete Vi emulation mode I’ve ever seen in any IDE.

Git Integration

Well, not just git, but I use git. The git integration isn’t 100% flawless, but it’s perfect for most day-to-day needs. I use it with local repositories, as well as a centralized one at work, in addition to GitHub. Updating the project works really well, and lets me easily see what changes were applied. Likewise, when I’m ready to push and a file shows up in the list I didn’t recall changing, a quick double-click let’s me see what’s going on in a very nice diff viewer.

Read more: Musings of an Anonymous Geek

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