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Security Identity propagation for WCF Ajax endpoints in ASP.NET

| Sunday, October 24, 2010
A UI driven service is usually a service implementation that only makes sense in the context of the UI for solving an specific use case, and not something that you might want to share or expose to third parties. Typical examples of UI driven services are AJAX endpoints, which you build for supporting partial updates in a page. The implementation of this kind of services can take the form of a simple http endpoints, which could adhere to the REST principles or not, or SOAP web services.  

As the AJAX endpoints are consumed by the web browser on behalf of the user, you will typically want to propagate the web browser security context to this service, and not a new one, so the web pages and the services both run under the same user identity.

If the web pages and the services are both running in the same hosting stack like ASP.NET, this does not represent a problem at all, as they both share the security context of the host. For example, if you implement the services as ASMX web services, or Http Handlers, or MVC controller actions, they will all share the ASP.NET security context with the pages.

WCF runs by default in its own hosting space, which is not dependant of ASP.NET, so here is where the problem begins. Message security is obviously discarded for this scenario, as a client script does not know how to handle cryptographic material for doing all the message signing and encryption. In addition, it would add some unnecessary complexity to the solution, which is not need for the scenarios that an AJAX endpoint tries to achieve. Therefore, transport security is the right choice for WCF Ajax endpoints if you want to encrypt the traffic with SSL, and none if the information does not need to be encrypted because it is not sensitive. In both cases, the right choice for a binding is “basicHttpBinding” for SOAP services and “webHttpBinding” for any other Http endpoint that does not use soap envelopes.

For example, the following binding configures a SOAP service with “basicHttpBinding” and no security.

       <binding name="AjaxEndpoints">
         <security mode="None"></security>

In addition, as you want to propagate the user identity from ASP.NET to the WCF services. You need to enable the ASP.NET compatibility mode in the service, so ASP.NET and the WCF Ajax services both share the same user identity, no matter which security mechanism was configured in ASP.NET (forms, claims, or any http authentication mechanism).

Read more: Pablo M. Cibraro (aka Cibrax)

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