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KitKat - The Lazy/Poor Man's Rootkit

| Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This article is about using global hooks and window subclassing to create a pseudo-rootkit capable of hiding files from Explorer, Task Manager, Registry Editor, etc.


It is assumed that the reader knows basic C++, Windows Programming, Global Hooks (for DLL injection) and of course, knows what a RootKit is.


Although The program has been well tested, I have to include this disclaimer: The following program attempts to modify your operating system, which may/can make your system unstable. By executing/compiling the program you agree that neither the author nor the site hosting this article shall be held responsible for any damages occured due to this program. This program comes with NO WARRANTY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! If this scares you, you probably shouldn't run this program. The author hereby disclaims himself. This article may not be re-published elsewhere without the permission of the author.

Using the code

Compile the VC++ Project to obtain a DLL. You could write your own loader, but i have enclosed a small DLL Tester written in VB just in case. Once loaded, the DLL will establish a CallWnd hook.


Before I start a flame war or get found out by the Gurus out there, I'd like to state Kitkat is not a "System Roothit". It's more of a "User Rootkit" not to be confused with "UserMode Rootkits (Ring 3)"...

There are 2 basic kinds of Rootkits:

Kernel Mode Rootkits (Run in Ring0 and filters requests at the highest level)
UserMode Rootkits (Run in UserMode, uses API redirection, IAT hooking to get the job done)
The most powerful rootkits are no doubt the kernel rootkits. Usermode rootkits are less desirable because it is well known[^] that not all API calls can be hooked using IAT patching. (Link to Article)

So which of these does KitKat belong to? Actually, its None of the above. Most rootkits have the following model

       OS --->  RootKit Filter ---> User

Every file that is being stealthed is hidden from the system itself, which means even if one programmatically tries to locate a file, you'll not be able to find it since the filter intercepts any such requests. As a result it effectively stealths the files/processes from BOTH the SYSTEM and THE USER. If an AntiVirus (AV) program requests a file that was being stealthed, the AV would get an "INVALID_FILE_HANDLE" response. In contrast, Kitkat is based on the following model:

       Windows GUI ----> Kitkat RootKit Filter  ----> User

Read more: Codeproject

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