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Attached Behaviors vs Attached Properties vs Blend Behaviors

| Monday, December 24, 2012
Brian Lagunas asked a very good question based on seeing my sample video from my Pluralsight Windows 8 MVVM XAML Apps course, the gist of which was (paraphrased): “Why do you call them Attached Behaviors – won’t that cause confusion with what is an Attached Property and with Blend Behaviors?”

My initial answer was along the lines of “because that is what we called them back in the day, long before Blend picked up the concept and created their own behaviors.”

But Brian rightly pointed out that not everyone has as deep of history working with XAML as I do and a lot of people only associated the term behavior with Blend Behaviors. He also asked how to discriminate a simple attached property from an attached behavior.

Here is my response:

I think the distinction in my mind is this: "normal" attached properties are there as metadata for some other piece of code (i.e. a container control like a Grid or a ToolTip) to modify its own behavior based on the presence of that attached property. When used like that, attached properties are like attributes in C# or VB code - they don't do any work themselves, they are just there to influence behavior implemented somewhere else.

When an attached property has a change handler that acts on the exposed API of the DependencyObject to which it is attached, it is an attached behavior - in which case it is much more like an extension method in C# - a chunk of code that can be associated with that object to supplement that object's behavior or functionality without that object's knowledge.

A similar discussion also recently came up while working with the Microsoft patterns & practices Kona team on Line-Of-Business guidance for Windows 8. As a result of that discussion, I wrote up a couple page summary with some snippets to compare and contrast Attached vs Blend Behaviors. So I’m including that content here as well.

Attached and Blend Behaviors

Behaviors are a way of supplementing the functionality, or behavior, of XAML elements. A behavior is a chunk of code you write that can be used in XAML by attaching it to some element through attached properties. The behavior can use the exposed API of the element to which it is attached to add functionality to that element or other elements in the visual tree of the view. In this way, they are the XAML equivalent of C# extension methods. Extension methods allow you to define additional methods for some class in C# without modifying the class definition itself, and they work against the exposed API of the class. Behaviors allow you to add functionality to an element by writing that functionality in the behavior class and attaching it to the element as if it was part of the element itself.

Ultimately behaviors package up code that you would normally have to write as code behind because it directly interacts with the API of XAML elements in a way that it can be concisely hooked up to an element in the XAML and packaged for reuse across more than one view or application. They can be used to encapsulate a complex coding pattern of interaction for a given control, do visual tree walks to discover and hook things up throughout a view, and virtually any scenario where you ask yourself “how do I do XYZ?” and the answer is “you write this code behind”. In the context of MVVM, they are a great way to bridge from things that are happening in the view due to user interaction and getting the information and execution into a view model. So you can hook events and properties from a given control type and feed those down into a view model in a standardized fashion.

Read more: Brian Noyes blog
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