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Creation of Application Pool on IIS

| Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Note: Add Microsoft.Web.Management.dll as reference(This can be found Windows/system32/inetsrv folder)

 1)      Create a class structure to take input parameters for Creation of Application Pool

 /// <summary>
 /// This class just provides parameters for application pool creation.
 /// </summary>
 public class ApplicationPoolParams
public ApplicationPoolParams(string appPoolName, 
string metabasePath, 
uint queueLength, 
string managedRuntimeVersion, 
ManagedPipelineMode managedPipeLineMode,
 ProcessModelAppPool processModel, 
RecyclingAppPool recycleAppPool,
CpuAppPool cpuAppPool)
 Name = appPoolName;
 MetabasePath = metabasePath;
 QueueLength = queueLength;
 ManagedRuntimeVersion = managedRuntimeVersion;
 PipelineMode = managedPipeLineMode;
 ProcessModelData = processModel;
 RecycleAppPoolData = recycleAppPool;
 CpuData = cpuAppPool;

 public string Name { get; set; }
 public string MetabasePath { get; set; }
 public uint QueueLength { get; set; }
 public string ManagedRuntimeVersion { get; set; }
 public ManagedPipelineMode PipelineMode { get; set; }
 public ProcessModelAppPool ProcessModelData { get; set;}
 public RecyclingAppPool RecycleAppPoolData { get; set; }
 public CpuAppPool CpuData { get; set; }

 public class ProcessModelAppPool
 public ProcessModelAppPool(TimeSpan idleTimeOut,uint maxProcesses)
 IdleTimeout = idleTimeOut;
 MaxProcesses = maxProcesses;

 public TimeSpan IdleTimeout { get; set; }
 public uint MaxProcesses { get; set; }

 public class RecyclingAppPool
 public RecyclingAppPool(bool isOverlappingRotation,bool isRotationOnConfigChange, PeriodicRestartAppPool periodic)
 DisallowOverlappingRotation = isOverlappingRotation;
 DisallowRotationOnConfigChange = isRotationOnConfigChange;

Read more:  s.ghosh
QR: Inline image 1

Posted via email from Jasper-net