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| Sunday, April 17, 2011
Project Description
RtAudio .Net is a managed C++ wrapper around the unmanaged RtAudio C++ Library. 

It's tested and used mainly in C#.

Original RtAudio:

This is a Managed C++ DLL that wraps RtAudio. Since it's my first .Net wrapper (and I'm not that clever with C++ in general), it's more a half port, rather than just a simple wrapper. My goal is to keep the syntax as close to RtAudio as possible, but I intend to break away from that in any instances that would greatly ease use in .Net.

It should also be noted that since I'm a C# developer and find VB.Net to be syntactically obtuse and unusable, this wrapper really is only tested in C#. I may include an IronPython sample at some point later. As for Mono support, that's 'planned'. I'm an avid Linux user, however, this is mostly developed in conjunction with my work, sadly. I haven't had time to sort through getting this to compile in mono. Since I'm using VS2010 for all my development, and I can use .Net 4.0 everywhere, this wrapper is written in .Net 4.0. I may, at some point, provide 3.5 bindings, but I doubt I'll go lower than that. And, really, by the time I get around to it, most people shouldn't be stuck on 3.5 anymore.

Read more: Codeplex

Posted via email from Jasper-net