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Why startups don't use .net

| Thursday, March 31, 2011
There have been several articles over the last couple of weeks about the usefulness of .net for startups. I will mention three:

* Did the Microsoft stack kill MySpace?
* Why we don't hire .net programmers
* Why Microsoft could kill your startup career

Even though our company is now several years old, our HQ is still located in an office facility that is mainly for startups. Well over the time we have had many companies, including Microsoft, Mozilla, IHTSDO and a few others, but most of the companies are startups. I recognize the same thing: I have not heard the word .net been used by any of the startups, yet. Would I hire a .net developer? I see no problem with .net, but also no significant value of having it on the resume. There are so many other parameters that are important.

I think the last article describes the problem best: Do large companies use their software engineers well enough? I think most have a problem here. A good software engineer is a serial decision maker, who writes down decisions about how things should be done in an automated way. Seen from the management POV, this is not a deterministic process, but a stochastic process, simply because the human mind is shaped by so many things, that influences the outcome. Many attempts have been made to improve the value generated by software developers, including agile software development processes, better ways to write specifications etc., but often these methods are confined within the software development department. If you want to get problems solved, for real, a larger part of the organization needs to be involved, thinking out-of-the-R&D-box must be allowed, and innovation must be rewarded.

Read more: Compas Pascal

Posted via email from Jasper-net