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[WCF]Some tips for making WCF service and client proxy working more effeciently

| Wednesday, January 5, 2011
1) Protocol and serialization format

   There are many blog and MSDN articles that discuss the serialization format and protocols that are applicable in different scenarios. In general binary serialization formats provide better latency and smaller payload sizes than their XML equivalents. And 'WCF native' bindings such as NetNamedPipeBinding and NetTcpBinding have lower communication overhead than interoperable bindings such as BasicHttpBinding. For communication with platform services we've found the following are optimal choices:


Calls to WCF services running on localhost: NetNamedPipeBinding
Calls to WCF services running on remote machines:BinaryHttpBinding

2) Channel factory caching

   WCF client proxies use Channels (System.ServiceMode.InnerChannel) for communication with a remote service. A channel is created using channel factory. The creation of channel factory is an expensive operation and contributes significant overhead for calls made using a proxy. As a result WCF attempts to cache the ChannelFactory object for communication. Channel factory caching significantly reduces the overhead of WCF calls. The caching can be accidentally/unwittingly disabled if certain constructors are used for creating the proxy.


a) Always create WCF proxies using either the default constructor or a constructor that takes the endpointconfigurationname as parameter.
b) Don’t use the constructors of the proxy that takes Binding as an argument.
c) Don’t access the public properties ChannelFactory, Endpoint, and ClientCredentials of the proxy.

Read more: Steven Cheng's MSDN Notes

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