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Using the “Hisowa Simple PopUp Behavior” in a DataGrid

| Monday, August 23, 2010
In the article, it states that there was assistance by me. My assistance was mainly running each build (Haruhiro simply emailed the project to me each day), trying a few implementations, and complaining:

I need to pass a parameter, any parameter, of any type, in and get it in the response.
I need to bind to an ICommand, that will be called when the Popup is complete. In the ICommand, I need the result of the Popup, AND my custom object.
(and on and on…)
The primary scenario that I had in mind, is that I wanted to EASILY implement a Popup confirmation box for my DataGrid example.

Let’s give it a spin and see how it works out:

The PopUp Behavior

Read more: Open Light Group

Posted via email from .NET Info