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Obfuscated OpenSSH

| Friday, June 18, 2010
Handshake Obfuscation

Handshake obfuscation strengthens the initial SSH handshake against systems that identify or classify various network protocols by examining data in transit for static signatures.  Such automatic classification of traffic is often used to provide different levels of network service for each protocol and sometimes used to implement policies which prohibit certain uses of a network.

When an SSH connection is initiated, the client and server exchange several packets to configure the cryptographic parameters for the session.  Since the encryption algorithms and keys have not yet been determined, this exchange of messages is not encrypted and is vulnerable to analysis which can conclusively identify the connection as SSH protocol traffic no matter what port the server is listening on.  For most users this is of no concern, because merely being able to identify a connection as an SSH session does not introduce any security vulnerabilities in the protocol itself.

Some users may have special security needs where they would prefer not to disclose that they are using the SSH protocol to somebody who may be monitoring
the network.  Handshake obfuscation prevents automatic identification of SSH protocol traffic by encrypting the entire handshake with a stream cipher, and
is designed to make it difficult to implement an automated analysis tool even understanding how the obfuscation protocol works.

The obfuscation encryption key is generated in a way which is deliberately slow to make it difficult to implement on the type of high performance network hardware which is usually used for classifying protocol traffic.  Additionally an option is provided for the client and server to share a 'keyword' which is a simple kind of password that is used only for securing the handshake.  No connection can be initiated to a server which has keyword obfuscation enabled without knowing the keyword, and the obfuscation keyword is used to derive the keys that encrypt the handshake in order prevent decrypting the handshake traffic without knowing the keyword.

Read more: Github

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