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CLR JIT Bugs Found During IKVM.NET Development

| Monday, June 14, 2010
2010-06-04 v2, v4 x86 Crash Access violation while compiling code.
2010-04-11 v4 x64 Vulnerability Not yet fixed, so no details.
2009-10-28 v4 beta 2 x64 Vulnerability Type safety vulnerability in exception handler code.
2007-07-02 v2 x64 Exception System.InvalidProgramException on verifiable IL.
2007-05-11 v2 x64 Incorrect code 0.0 and -0.0 are considered the same by the optimizer.
2006-12-06 v2 x86 Vulnerability Ability to access array outside of bounds.

Read more: IKVM.NET Weblog

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