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Introduction to System Filters

| Sunday, May 2, 2010
Filters are used by Microsoft Business Connectivity Service (BCS) to give values to input parameters while invoking a Method on the External System (LobSystem). But there could be some parameters whose values should be provided by the system (example: username, password) and not from the user. Filters that provide values to these input parameters are called System Filters.

Here is an example Scenario of when to use System Filter: Jim has a web service operation that creates a file. The method takes filename, user name, and password. File name will be passed as user input, but username and password will have to be passed from the system. Jim needs a solution to pass these values without requesting them from the user.

Solution: Jim will have to configure username and password filters for the parameters that match username and password. Jim will also have to specify the “SecondarySSOApplicationID” and “SSOProviderImplementation” on the External System Instance, which will be used by the filters to fetch username and password values. This will make the system provide username and password as values to input parameters.

The different types of System Filters that are supported are:

   * ActivityID (Activity Identifier Filter)
     Activity Identifier Filter is used while calling operations on an external system, and the value to be passed as input parameter should represent a context identity of the invoking operation.
     BCS sets a GUID that represents the current operation context as the value on the input parameter which is associated with the ActivityID filter.  
   * Password (Password Credential Filter)
     Password credential filter is used while calling operations on external system and the value to be passed as input parameter should represent a password stored in Secure Store.
     BCS gets the credentials that map to the External System Instance (LobSystemInstance) properties “SecondarySsoApplicationId” and “SsoProviderImplementation”. It uses the password obtained from credentials as the value for the input parameter which is associated with the Password filter. Note: SecondarySSOApplicationId is different from SSOApplicationId, SecondarySSOApplicationId is used by UserName filter and Password filter. For more information read SecondarySSOApplicationID property on LobSystemInstance.

Read more: Microsoft Business Connectivity Services Team blog

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