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Data Access (How Do I in C#)

| Thursday, May 27, 2010
This page links to help on widely used data access tasks. To view other categories of popular tasks covered in Help, see How Do I in C#.

How to: Install Sample Databases
Provides steps to install a sample databse such as Northwind sample database, SQL Server Express (SSE), MSDE, or an Access version of Northwind.

Walkthrough: Creating a Simple Data Application
Provides a step-by-step procedure to create a data application.

Connecting to Data in Visual Studio
Connecting to Data in Visual Studio Overview
Provides information on connecting your application to data from many different sources, such as databases, web services, and objects.

Walkthrough: Connecting to Data in a Database
Provides a procedure to connect your application to data in Visual Studio by using the Data Source Configuration Wizard.

Walkthrough: Connecting to Data in a Web Service
Provides a procedure to connect your application to data Web service by using the Data Source Configuration Wizard.

Walkthrough: Connecting to Data in an Access Database
Provides a procedure to connect your application to data in an Access database by using the Data Source Configuration Wizard.

Creating and Designing Typed Datasets
How to: Create a Typed Dataset
Explains how to create a typed DataSet using the Data Source Configuration Wizard or the Dataset Designer.

Walkthrough: Creating a Dataset with the Dataset Designer
Provides a procedure to create a dataset using the Dataset Designer.

Walkthrough: Creating a DataTable in the Dataset Designer
Provides a procedure to create a DataTable using the Dataset Designer.

Walkthrough: Creating a Relationship between Data Tables
Explains how to create two data tables without TableAdapters using the Dataset Designer and creating a relationship between them.

TableAdapter Overview
Provides an overview of TableAdapters which provides communication between your application and a database.

Walkthrough: Creating a TableAdapter with Multiple Queries
Provides a procedure to create a TableAdapter in a dataset using the Data Source Configuration Wizard. The walkthrough will take you through the process of creating a second query in the TableAdapter using the TableAdapter Query Configuration Wizard within the Dataset Designer..

Filling Datasets and Executing Queries

Read more: MSDN

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