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CPU Usage prog

| Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Небольшая программка которая может показать загруженость вашего процессора во время исполнения какой то программы

Код подсчиывающего модуля/программки

using System.Diagnostics;

public class CPUMeter: IDisposable
CounterSample _startSample;
PerformanceCounter _cnt;

/// Creates a per-process CPU meter instance tied to the current process.
public CPUMeter()
String instancename = GetCurrentProcessInstanceName();
_cnt = new PerformanceCounter("Process","% Processor Time", instancename, true);

/// Creates a per-process CPU meter instance tied to a specific process.
public CPUMeter(int pid)
String instancename = GetProcessInstanceName(pid);
_cnt = new PerformanceCounter("Process","% Processor Time", instancename, true);

/// Resets the internal counter. All subsequent calls to GetCpuUtilization() will
/// be relative to the point in time when you called ResetCounter(). This
/// method can be call as often as necessary to get a new baseline for
/// CPU utilization measurements.
public void ResetCounter()
_startSample = _cnt.NextSample();

/// Returns this process's CPU utilization since the last call to ResetCounter().
public double GetCpuUtilization()
CounterSample curr = _cnt.NextSample();

double diffValue = curr.RawValue - _startSample.RawValue;
double diffTimestamp = curr.TimeStamp100nSec - _startSample.TimeStamp100nSec;

double usage = (diffValue / diffTimestamp) * 100;
return usage;

private static string GetCurrentProcessInstanceName()
Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
int pid = proc.Id;
return GetProcessInstanceName(pid);

private static string GetProcessInstanceName(int pid)
PerformanceCounterCategory cat = new PerformanceCounterCategory("Process");

string[] instances = cat.GetInstanceNames();
foreach (string instance in instances)

using (PerformanceCounter cnt = new PerformanceCounter("Process",
"ID Process", instance, true))
int val = (int) cnt.RawValue;
if (val == pid)
return instance;
throw new Exception("Could not find performance counter " +
"instance name for current process. This is truly strange ...");

public void Dispose()
if (_cnt!=null) _cnt.Dispose();

Пример использование

static void Main(string[] args)
CPUMeter mtr = new CPUMeter();

// do some heavy stuff
double result = 0;
for (int i = 0;i<100000000; i++)
result = result+Math.Sin(i);

double usage = mtr.GetCpuUtilization();

Console.WriteLine("Done. CPU Usage {0:#00.00} %", usage);


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