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Introducing Au-to-do, a sample application built on Google APIs

| Friday, December 2, 2011
A platform is more than the sum of its component parts. You can read about it or hear about it, but to really learn what makes up a platform you have to try it out for yourself, play with the parts, and discover what you can build.

With that in mind, we started a project called Au-to-do: a full sample application implementing a ticket tracker, built using Google APIs, that developers can download and dissect.


Au-to-do currently uses the following APIs and technologies:
Google App Engine (with the Python runtime, Datastore API, and Task Queues API)
Google Cloud Storage
Google Prediction API
Google Tasks API
OAuth 2.0

Read more: Google code blog
QR: introducing-au-to-do-sample-application.html

Posted via email from Jasper-net