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Tracing time taken in garbage collection and undertanding CLR GC events

| Tuesday, April 6, 2010
CLR GC performance counters % time spent in GC provides approximate time taken by GC in garbage collection.

CLR ETW events can provide very useful insights into how GC is preforming for a process.  Xperf tool found at can be used to trace CLR events.

Run the following to enable and trace CLR events:

wevtutil im C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30128\ (Change the path  C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30128 to appropriate value).
xperf -start clr -on ClrGc -f gcevents.etl
sleep.exe %1
\xperf -stop clr
set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=srv*d:\symbols*<symbolpath to public symbols>
xperf.exe -evXml C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30128\ -i gcevents.etl -o merged.csv -symbols -a dumper
findstr /ips "\/Start \/Stop" merged.csv > gcevents.csv // Filter only start and stop event. Filter any other events required.
notepad gcevents.csv

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