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10 Free Server Tools Your Organization Needs

| Sunday, November 28, 2010
This list of 10 free, essential tools is an amalgam of tools for all sizes of companies and networks. The range of tools covered here are generally cross-platform (i.e., they run on multiple OSes) but all are extremely useful to the system administrator, network administrator and first-level support personnel. While all of these tools are free to download and use in your network without payment of any kind to their developers or maintainers, not all are open source. The 10 essential tools listed here, in no particular order, are from various sources and represent the very best in tools currently used in large and small enterprises alike.

1. PSTools
PSTools is a suite of useful command-line Windows tools that IT professionals consider essential to survival in a Windows-infested network. It provides automation tools that have no rival. There is no greater free toolset for Windows available anywhere. Microsoft provides this suite free of charge. If it's not part of your Windows diagnostic and automation arsenal, stop reading and download it now. Be sure to come back and finish the list. You can multitask, can't you?)

2. SharEnum
ShareEnum is an obscure but very useful tool. ShareEnum shows you all file shares on your network. Even better, it shows you their associated security information. This very small (94K) tool might become one of the most valuable and useful security tools that you possess. It is another free tool from Microsoft.

3. Nagios
Nagios is an enterprise infrastructure monitoring suite. It's free, mature and commercially supported. It has grown from a niche software project to a major force in contemporary network management. It's used by such high-profile companies as Citrix, ADP, Domino's Pizza, Wells Fargo, Ericsson and the U.S. Army.

4. Wireshark
If you run a network of any size or topology, Wireshark is a must-have application. It is a network packet capture and analysis program that assists you with your ongoing quest for a trouble-free network. Wireshark won't prevent network problems, but it does allow you to analyze those problems in real time and possibly avoid failure.

Read more: ServerWatch

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