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Web Server and ASP.NET Application life Cycle in Depth

| Thursday, December 2, 2010

In this article we will able to understand what’s happen when the user submit a request to ASP.NET web app. There are lots of article that explain this topic but no one shows in a clear way what really happens in depth during the request. After reading this article you will be able to
undestand :

What is a web server
HTTP - TCP/IP Protocol
Web communication
Application Manager
Hosting Environment
Application Domain
Application Pool
How many app domain are created against a client request
How many HttpAppllication are created against a request and how I can affects this behaviour
What is the work processor and how many of it are running Against a request
What it happens in depth between a request and response

Start from scratch

All the article I have read usually begin with “The user sends a request to IIS...bla bla bla” . Anyone know the IIS is a web server where we host our web application(and much more) but what is a web server?

Let start from really begin J

A Web Server (like Internet Information Server/Apache/etc.) is a piece of software that enables a website to be viewed using HTTP.We can abstract this concept saying that a web server is a piece of software that allow resources(web page,images,etc) the be requested over HTTP protocol. I ‘m sure many of you thought that a web server is just a special super computer but It’s just the software that runs on it that makes the difference between a normal computer and a web server.

Read more: Codeproject

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