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Create Your Own Logo Design In Minutes (Even If You Suck At Photoshop)

| Sunday, April 10, 2011
Ok, before all the professional logo designers start running at me with fistfuls of freshly sharpened pencils, let me make something clear. This isn’t a tutorial on how to brand yourself or your business with an award-winning, innovative logo design. It’s simply an outline of how I create a decent looking logo quickly to add a little professionalism and visual appeal to my sites. As an internet marketer, you want your promotions to look good while saving time and money, right?

Whenever I want to add a logo to the header of a niche site, blog, squeeze page, or on the cover of a product, I often just dress up a good looking font. Whipping up something that looks decent requires minimal design skills, minimal effort, and anyone can do it (yes, even you!). Plus, it will save you money on outsourcing fees and it might even be fun!

Here’s how to do it:

Finding And Choosing The Appropriate Font:
You’re not looking for the ultimate font here. You’re trying to do this in record time so you can move on to other areas of your business. Time is money, so let’s make it fast.

Go to (or your favorite font site)
When you go to free font download sites, the fonts will be categorized, so that’s already a head start.

Read more: SuiteJ

Posted via email from Jasper-net