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Silverlight 4 with (Http) Duplex and Sql Notifications

| Sunday, January 16, 2011

If you have ever tried to create a push mechanism, originating from the database to the services and then to the browser - it can be complicated enough, but having a Silverlight embedded browser application, makes it that little more difficult.

If you do a online search for that type of application you will find numerous articles on Silverlight and Duplex or Silverlight and Sql Notifications - but Silverlight with Duplex and SQL Notations - so little content to be found.

Download - 3.02 MB


Initially this arose out of the frustration of not being able to find an article online to do just this scenario. Some came very close, but just not the complete article. Silverlight will be around for a while yet (or until HTML5 is fully accepted and matured) and with such a push mechanism will only aid other developers to use such technologies.  

Read more: Codeproject

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