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NHibernate and Mapping Aggregates

| Sunday, November 28, 2010
A few days ago a friend emailed me the following question regarding NHibernate mappings for a solution he’s currently developing:

“I have an idea entity that has a collection of comment entities and I need to get the comment count for each idea. I made a massive mistake at the beginning by calling idea.Comments.Count (even worse, I did it in the view!), which due to the collection being lazy-loaded caused about 10 database calls so performance was sluggish even with second level cache.  I was therefore wondering how you would do it - would you use HQL and use Comments.size or would you do something differently?”

Now, I’ve been pretty busy recently, so before I had opportunity to respond properly, he sent this follow-up:

"After looking for a solution for getting a Comment count back for each Idea, I found using the Nhibernate Formula method does the job - just wanting to make sure I was on the right track in terms of performance etc.  My mapping class is as follows:"

public class IdeaMap : ClassMap<Idea>
   public IdeaMap()
       Id(x => x.Id)
       Map(x => x.Summary).Not.Nullable();
       Map(x => x.Description).WithMaxSize().Not.Nullable();
       Map(x => x.Created).Not.Nullable();
       Map(x => x.LastStatusChange).Not.Nullable();
       Map(x => x.Visible).Not.Nullable();
       Map(x => x.Status).Not.Nullable();

       Map(x => x.CommentCount)
           .Formula("(select count(*) from Comment c where c.IdeaId = ID)");

       HasMany(x => x.Votes).KeyColumn("IdeaId")
       HasMany(x => x.Comments).KeyColumn("IdeaId")
       References(x => x.Category).Column("CategoryId")
       References(x => x.CreatedBy).Column("UserId")

Read more: Ian Nelson

Posted via email from .NET Info


Anonymous said...

Just thought I would comment and say great theme, did you code it for yourself? Really looks excellent!

Anonymous said...

О! Jelas ada banyak tahu tentang hal ini. Saya pikir Anda membuat beberapa poin baik di Fitur juga. Tetap bekerja, pekerjaan yang besar!

Anonymous said...

Merci pour l'information grand! Je n'aurais pas découvert ce le contraire!

Anonymous said...

Very good stuff..