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New Mono Log Profiler

| Sunday, November 14, 2010
Paolo has checked into Mono's GIT repository our brand-new profiler for Mono applications.

The new profiler is documented in detail here, and is available with Mono 2.9+ (this means: it is available if you build Mono from GIT, and will be part of the upcoming 2.10 release).

We would love to hear your feedback on it, and we hope to have a UI integrated into MonoDevelop soon.

Update: This is what one of the reports of the new profiler can produce, this is taken from running an ASP.NET application (a question that came up a few days ago on IRC):

      Heap shot 5 at 14.518 secs: size: 43684432, object count: 562907, class count: 543
           Bytes      Count  Average Class name
        10506984      87373      120 System.Collections.Hashtable.Slot[] (bytes: +1939272, count: +16161)
              87346 references from: System.Collections.Hashtable
         8130304      87486       92 System.Int32[] (bytes: +1706912, count: +16164)
              87346 references from: System.Collections.Hashtable
              40 references from: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
              30 references from: System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo
         6846000      57050      120 System.Web.Caching.CacheItem (bytes: +1232880, count: +10274)
         4891432      87347       56 System.Collections.Hashtable (bytes: +904176, count: +16146)
              28526 references from: System.Web.HttpStaticObjectsCollection

Read more: Miguel de Icaza's web log

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