This is a mirror of official site:

.toolbox Free online Silverlight/Blend and/or Design training (or the “I’m a developer, can you teach me how to design?” site )

| Sunday, March 14, 2010
Woohoo, the site is live! .toolbox is a free online training program where designers and developers can learn to create Silverlight applications using Expression Studio and to apply basic UX concepts to their solutions.

I was lucky enough to get involved with the project while it was coming together and I’m very excited to see it out there in the wild.  I hope you really enjoy the training content.  This site will be the answer to two questions I am asked often:

   * I’m a designer, how do I get started with Silverlight & Blend? .toolbox Design Scenarios
   * I’m a developer, can you teach me how to design? .toolbox Design Principles

Read more: Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day
Official site: .toolbox

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